Digital Revolution

Today, there are 7 billion people in the world, and at the end of 2018 there were 22 billion connected devices. From smartphones, wifi and laptops to 5G, voice recognition and virtual reality, our digital landscape is a vast and growing one. Technology has defined many pivotal moments in history and is both convenient and useful.

Growing in both popularity and usage, devices are vital to our way of life.  In 2020 we experienced so many changes to the way we live, work and learn and we  are undoubtedly digitally dependent.   The average person spends 24 hours per week on a smartphone alone.  But how many people are aware that their wireless devices emit radiation, also known as electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs).

The advice from Public Health England is very clear. The current exposure is well within the internationally agreed levels published in the ICNIRP Guidelines and as such there should be no consequences for public health.  

The ICNIRP Guidelines include safety standards for what is known as the thermal heating effect.  The Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) standards are a measure of the rate of RF (radiofrequency) energy absorption by the body from the source being measured – in this case, a mobile phone. SAR provides a straightforward means for measuring the RF exposure characteristics of cell phones to ensure that they are within the safety guidelines set.

But in 2011 the WHO/International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B), based on an increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer1, associated with wireless phone use.  

Studies have been conducted for many years and are still ongoing to better understand EMFs and any possible health effects. Some experts are calling for change to safety standards and for precautions to be taken. For example 255 scientists from 44 countries are appealing to the UN to consider potential biological impact of telecommunications technology. 

In light of this classification some people are concerned. 

One reason is just a question of timing.  Most of the devices we use today, such as smartphones, laptops, tablets, weren’t invented that long ago and so long-term exposure studies have not been completed. What we do know though, is that children absorb more radiation than adults..  

Another reason is the question of non-thermal biological effects from exposure.  Again there is official reassurance that there is no basis for concern.  However some experts studying these effects have called for precaution.  

Some people are seeking peace of mind by using frequency technology to bring beneficial change to the frequencies they are surrounded by.   They want to support their well-being by using harmonisers to improve the quality of their energetic self and the space they live in.  

Energydots is a well-being range offering energetic support.