About Us

Our driving force is a desire to help as many people as possible, changing lives one DOT at a time.

Our Mission

energydots provides wellness solutions for all of humanity (and our furry friends). Our global business partnership is run with integrity, warmth and consideration, based on a vision to create a world of good energy.

Our three directors are all parents and work with a team based in Devon and partners around the world.  We’ve worked with thousands of people over ten years who are looking to embrace new concepts to support their well-being.  energydots help you to create a positive energetic environment and support your energy system every day.   Helping people is our passion. 

To read the story behind energydots click here and see our Founders story. 

Why consider energy well-being ?

Scientific theories propose that we are ‘energetic in nature’ and an open energy system i.e affected by the energies we are surrounded by.  Ancient cultures and quantum theories are beginning to converge.  It is an evolving viewpoint of wellbeing and in our experience brings enormous benefit.  Read our top six tips to help you decide where to begin or just call us.  We are here to help.   01803 665626. 

Energy Revolution

Einstein’s famous equation E=mc² states that all matter is actually energy. In light of this some experts and an increasing number of people are exploring a wide range of techniques to support energy well-being.